The Department of History invites everyone at Nipissing University and in the wider community to hear Dr John Long, speaking this Friday, December 3 at our usual time of 2:30 pm in Room A122.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
History Seminar Series: Dr. John Long on Treaty No. 9 and Education
The Department of History invites everyone at Nipissing University and in the wider community to hear Dr John Long, speaking this Friday, December 3 at our usual time of 2:30 pm in Room A122.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Dr. Stephen Connor speaks --- History Seminar Series, Friday November 26
From Dr. Robin Gendron -- David Dyment speaks to the Canadian International Council on December 2
Friday, November 12, 2010
International Education Week
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
From the History Club -- upcoming events
1) Our Annual Book Sale is being held from Monday Nov. 15 until Friday Nov. 19 from 10:00 - 5:00 in Student Hallway (outside of B200). There are going to be books from every genre available for the low cost of $1-$12. Please stop on by and check out the selection of books!
2) Movie Night: On Wednesday November 24 in H104 the History Club is showing Dr. Strangelove, a comedy concerning the Cold War Era. Dr. Gendron will be providing an introduction at 7:00 p.m. and the movie will start around 7:30 p.m. There will be baked goods, popcorn, and other snacks will be provided. We are asking for a $2 donation to be put towards future History Club events.
3) History Pub Night: Our final winter semester pub night will be held on Thursday December 9th at 9:30 p.m. at the Bull and Quench. Take a break from the essay writing and studying to relax and socialize with others history students.
4) Seminar Series: Dr. Connor will be providing the next seminar series talk on Friday November 26th at 3:30 p.m. in room A122. His topic is "Grey Zone/Green Zone: War, invasion, and Occupation."
5) Discussion: Please, if you have not already, join in on the discussion about scheduling. The discussion will close Thursday November 18th at 11:59 p.m. It is important that you have your opinions know so that change can happen. Thank you for those who have already shared your opinion. This discussion can be found on the Nipissing University History Club Group on Facebook.
Thanks everyone for all of the participation in the previous events! Stay tuned for our activities beginning again in the winter term. As always feel free to send us any feedback, we always enjoy hearing from you.
All the best,
Amanda Van Lanen
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tonight --- Halloween Pub -- from the History Club
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Model NATO
I'm in the process again of organising this years' Nipissing University student Model NATO team. As part of the team, a group of 5 or 6 Nipissing students take part in a conference in Ottawa early in 2011 during which they will be part of a simulated NATO meeting. The conference includes teams from other universities across Ontario and sometimes outside the province and is a great opportunity for students with an interest in international diplomacy/debate/crisis management and the like to get involved in a very enjoyable conference and to represent NipU outside the university, while interacting with their peers from other universities.An organisational meeting for the 2010-11 Model NATO team is being held tomorrow, Oct 6 from 11-11:30 in room H304.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Dr. Francoise Noel speaks on local history: Friday, October 1 at 2:30 pm in Room A122.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Contest! Money!
Student Affairs is offering a monetary prize for the solution to a monthly writing challenge. Posted on , the "Grammar Granny Challenge" asks students to find the errors in the four short writings posted.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Natalie Zemon Davis at NU, Friday September 24!
Speaking partly from her own experience, Professor Davis will explore ways that the practice of history has changed, examining historical comparison through local figures (a male and female writer from different parts of the world in 1400) and through cultural crossing (how techniques in healing and justice transferred from Africa to a slave colony).
Natalie Zemon Davis is among the most widely known and influential historians in the academy. Her work on the social and cultural history of early modern Europe has reached readers far outside the university setting, perhaps most famously with The Return of Martin Guerre (1983) and most recently with Trickster Travels: a Sixteenth-Century Muslim between Worlds (2008). Earlier this year she received the Holberg International Memorial Prize in recognition of her lifetime achievement.
The lecture is free of charge and all are welcome.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
From the History Club
Amanda Van Lanen
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Considering graduate school next year. Think about money!
The date and times are listed under the Current Events link on the Graduate Studies website found under the Current Students link on Nipissing's Website.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
New Graduate Student Orientation
The orientation will begin with a meet and greet followed by an information sessions from Library Services, Research Ethics Board,and your specific graduate program. The orientation will also include a trip to the new Graduate Student Centre, and University Technology Services.
Please don't hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions about your upcoming studies. We can be reached at (705) 474-3450 ext 4198 or at
Sarah Clermont
Research & Graduate Coordinator
STUDENTS: Scholarship Workshops in September
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Master's defenses at Nipissing University, August 23-September 8
Monday, July 5, 2010
Stan Lawlor, Jr.
Good afternoon,
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Dr. Nathan Kozuskanich's arguments reach the US Supreme Court, again
In the past week a second case concerning the interpretation of the Second Amendment, "McDonald," came up to the Supreme Court, and this time, Nathan's name and his crucial article on "bearing arms" were mentioned in the dissent of Justice Breyer. I am linking to the Google Docs version. I found it impossible to search for Nathan's last name or anything else when I followed the link to Google Docs, so I will say that when I read the judgment, the citation was on page 3 of Breyer's dissent, page 182 of the file. Justice Breyer's dissent indeed incorporates recognizable logic from Nathan's original article.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Dean Bavington's Managed Annihilation is out!

Friday, June 4, 2010
Dr. Françoise Noël wins a prize!

Dr. Françoise Noel, longtime member of our department, has recently been awarded
the Ontario Historical Society's Fred Landon Award, for the best book on regional history in the past three years. the book is Family and Community Life in Northeastern Ontario, The Interwar Years, a study which is both solid in the scholarly sense and entertaining, especially for those interested in the grassroots history of our area. Family and Community Life is Dr. Noel's fourth book, which makes her a very productive scholar indeed.
This announcement gives me an excuse to reproduce the cover of the book, a wonderful work by a local artist.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Natalie Zemon Davis will be at Nipissing University in September

Mark your calendars: the exact date is September 24.
Davis is one of the most eminent historians in Canada, or even North America as a whole today. She is famous for taking difficult sources and putting flesh on them dry bones. Perhaps her most well-known project was interpreting the story of a 16th-century French imposter, Martin Guerre -- a project that produced a book on the case itself, an article on her methodology, and
a movie recreating the story. This one example of her work is typical of her interest and skill in communicating with people who aren't scholars as well as those who are.
It's quite an honor to have Davis accept the History Department's invitation to speak. Take advantage of this opportunity to hear her if you can. More details as available.
Oh, yes, when we are talking about eminence and reaching a broader public, there is this recent honor to make the point.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
History Club Update
From the History Club:
You are invited to our Year-End Lunch Meeting will be on Tuesday, April 6th at 11:30am in F304. We will enjoy some lunch and introduce next year's executive! Take a study break and plan to attend!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Third Annual Undergraduate Research Conference -- today and tomorrow
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Come out and support our students!
You are invited to the Third Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at Nipissing University this Friday, March 26th and Saturday, March 27th. If you are planning to attend, please RSVP Hilary Earl (
Despite our late start organizing, this year's conference will be the biggest one yet!
Thank you to everyone that has volunteered their time and ideas. Because of your hard work and, of course, the research of our students, this will be an excellent event.
Program at a Glance
Friday March 26, 2010
Time Program Location
6:30 - 9:30 pm Registration
7:00 - 7:15 pm Welcome Fideli Room (F210)
7:15 - 8:00 pm Keynote Address Dr. Jeff Dech Fideli Room (F210)
8:00 - 9:30 pm Poster Presentations Nipissing Front Lobby
Saturday March 27, 2010
Time Program Location
8:15 - 8:45 am Registration A246 - Small Cafeteria
8:45 - 9:00 am Opening Remarks - David Tabachnick A246 - Small Cafeteria
9:00 - 10:30 am Concurrent Sessions
#1 - Reproductive & Family Health & NATO A228
#2 - The Dionne Quintuplets A224
#3 - Atrocities in History A226
10:30 - 10:45 am BREAK A246 - Small Cafeteria
10:45 - 12:00 pm Concurrent Session
#4 - New Technologies in Research A226
#5 - Research in Education A228
#6 - Shaping Political Identities A224
12:00 - 1:00 pm LUNCH A246 - Small Cafeteria
1:00 - 2:20 pm Concurrent Sessions
#7 - Experiments in Chemistry and Biology A226
#8 - East Meets West A224
#9 - How to do Things with Numbers A228
2:20 - 2:35 pm BREAK A246 - Small Cafeteria
2:35 - 3:55 pm Concurrent Sessions
#10 - Land, People, & Politics A228
#11 - Jung, the Young, and the (Un)dead A226
#12 - Twentieth century World Issues A224
3:55 - 5:15 pm Concurrent Sessions
#13 - Re-visioning Identity A224
#14 - Plant Populations: Crops and Forests A226
#15 - Three Pillars of Nazi Germany A228
5:15 - 5:45 pm Closing Remarks - Dean Bavington A246 - Small Cafeteria
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Seminar Series: Glenn Tunnock, "The Algonquin Land Claim"
For its final meeting of this year, the History Department Seminar Series is pleased to present historian and land use planner Glenn Tunnock, speaking on "The Algonquin Land Claim: A Return to Self-Determination."
The presentation will tell the story of the Algonquin’s relationship to the settlement of eastern Upper Canada since the early seventeenth century and their quest to reconnect with the land and rekindle their cultural heritage. Tunnock holds an MA degree in history at Queen's University, where he studied the Algonquin Land Claim, and is working with the Algonquin First Nation through the establishment of a scholarship fund designed to assist young Algonquin to pursue educational initiatives which will enable them to acquire the skills to assist their nation in implementing the land claim settlement (see full abstract and presenter bio below).
Friday, Mar 26, 2:30 pm in Rm A226
Refreshments will be served. Everyone welcome!
From the History Club
You are invited to our Year-End Lunch Meeting will be on Tuesday, April 6th at 11:30am in F304. We will enjoy some lunch and introduce next year's executive! Take a study break and plan to attend!
Don't forget about our annual Platonic Symposium, in conjunction with the Nipissing University History Club, on Monday, March 29th (less than a week away!) at 7:00pm in the Owl's Nest Lounge. Come out to discuss some of the greatest political and historical questions. There will be a cash bar and light hors d'oeuvres will be served. Tickets are $5 and are available through Holly Garnett, Sam Mackie, Matt Morris and Ryan Michaelis. You can also email back if you would like to arrange for a ticket!
Other Updates (Cinema Politica):
Looking for something to do before the Symposium? Cinema Politica is showing the film "Examined Life" at 5:00pm in R308 on Monday, March 29th. Everyone is welcome. A Pizza dinner will be served!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Derek Neal at tomorrow's research talk, 12:30 pm, Room A222G
You are invited to attend the
Nipissing University Research Talk Series
Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 17th
Time: 12:30 – 1:30pm
Room: A222G
(same room as last year)
Speaker: Derek Neal – History
Men of the Parish: Conflict and cooperation among clerics and laymen in 16th-century England
Refreshments will be available – please bring your own lunch
Monday, March 15, 2010
Nathan Kozuskanich leads off in "Pennsylvania's Revolution"
It is exciting stuff and if you want to know more, follow this link.
Pennsylvania’s Revolution embodies a new era of scholarship about the state’s Revolutionary past. It breaks from a narrowly focused study of Philadelphia and the 1776 Constitution to evaluate Pennsylvania’s internal conflicts during the Revolutionary period.
Monday, March 8, 2010
History Seminar Series, Immigrant Women and their Food, Friday, March 12
Jennifer Evans, University of Toronto, will present some research that she originated here in the History MA program.Come find out!
'It was part of everything': Immigrant women’s stories of food and cooking in postwar North Bay, Ontario
Date & Time: Friday, Mar 12, 2:30 pm in Rm A226.
A study of immigrant women’s experiences with food and cooking raises questions about how women’s everyday experiences in their kitchens related to their larger transnational contexts: How did women’s experiences in their homelands shape their perceptions of the food and cooking practices in North Bay, and what did it mean for their own cooking?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Hilary Earl speaks on her book
And here is a link to the podcast. (Near bottom of that page.)
Hitler caused the Holocaust, that much we know (No Hitler, no Holocaust). But did he directly order it and, if so, how and when? This is one of the many interesting questions posed by Hilary Earl in her outstanding new book The Nuremberg SS-Einsatzgruppen Trial, 1945-1958: Atrocity, Law, and History (Cambridge UP, 2009). The book is about the trial of the leaders of the Einsatzgruppen, the mobile killing units that, in 1941 and 1942, spearheaded the Nazi effort to eradicate the Jewish people. The Einsatzgruppen murdered something on the order of a million people using almost nothing but firearms. In 1947, their commanders were brought to justice in what might be called the “other” (forgotten) Nuremberg Trials. The trial left an enormous body of reasonably fresh-after-the-fact testimony for historians to work with in trying to understand this episode in the Holocaust. Hilary does a masterful job of mining this material. She also points out that the roots of our own understandings of the Holocaust can in large measure be traced to these disturbing trails. The defendants were the first Nazi genocidaires to publicly describe what they had done and why they had done it.
History Club Updates
The History Club writes:
Our next meeting will be this Thursday, March 4th at 11:30am in R306.
We are also planning a Year-end lunch for History students and faculty to celebrate the past year and introduce your new History Club executive. Please mark Tuesday, April 6th, 2010 at 11:30pm on your calendars.
Other Events: The Canadian International Council (CIC), along with Nipissing University, will be welcoming Globe and Mail Columnist Jeffery Simpson to North Bay for a special talk entitled "Sink or Swim: Keeping Canada Afloat in the New Global Economy." The talk begins at 7:00pm in the Nipissing University Theater on Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010. The cost is $5, $2 for students and free for Members of the CIC (please pay at the door).
Monday, March 1, 2010
Katrina Srigley presents "Stories of Strife? Memories of the Great Depression." Friday March 5, 2:30
We at the History Department Seminar Series are pleased (and somewhat relieved) to return to our regular format, especially since we do so with our own Katrina Srigley presenting a lively and fascinating paper on family and memory titled, "Stories of Strife? Memories of the Great Depression."Katrina's paper focuses on four sisters' recollections of their Depression-era family and their complex and difficult relationship with their father, as a way of revealing how we use memory to shape our individual, family and community identities.Friday, Mar 5, 2:30 pm in A224Refreshments will be served. Everyone welcome!
History Club Potluck & Board Games Night --Tonight!
Don't forget about our Potluck & Board Games Night on Monday, March 1st, 2010 at 5:30pm in the Owl's Nest Lounge (H102). Bring some food to share and any fun board games you may have (I know I'm bringing RISK). Bring a friend!
Monday, February 22, 2010
History Club Updates: Week of February 22
Our next History Club Meeting will be Thursday, March 4th at 11:30am in room R306. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please find the minutes from our last meeting attached.
Don't forget about our Potluck & Board Games Night on Monday, March 1st, 2010 at 5:30pm in the Owl's Nest Lounge (H102). Bring some food to share and any fun board games you may have. Bring a friend!
Other Events:
The Canadian International Council (CIC), along with Nipissing University, will be welcoming Globe and Mail Columnist Jeffery Simpson to North Bay for a special talk entitled "Sink or Swim: Keeping Canada Afloat in the New Global Economy." The talk begins at 7:00pm in the Nipissing University Theater. The cost is $5, $2 for students and free for Members of the CIC (please pay at the door).
Jeffrey Simpson on Canada and the Global Economy - March 2nd
On Tuesday, March 2nd, the Nipissing Branch of the Canadian International Council and Nipissing University will be hosting a talk by Jeffrey Simpson entitled “Sink or Swim? Keeping Canada Afloat in the New Global Economy.” The talk will discuss the political and economic challenges that Canada faces in prospering within the dynamic global environment of the 21st century.
Jeffrey Simpson is the national affairs columnist for The Globe and Mail and has won all three of Canada's leading literary prizes -- the Governor-General's award for non-fiction book writing, the National Magazine Award for political writing, and the National Newspaper Award for column writing (twice). He has also won the Hyman Solomon Award for excellence in public policy journalism. In January, 2000, he became an Officer of the Order of Canada. He has published eight books, including most recently The Friendly Dictatorship: Reflections on Canadian Democracy (2001) and Hot Air: Meeting Canada’s Climate Change Challenge (2007) with Mark Jaccard and Nic Rivers.
The talk will be held from 7 – 8:30 pm in the Theatre at Nipissing University (room F213). Tickets are $5 at the door, $2 for students, and free for members of the Canadian International Council.
The Canadian International Council is a non-partisan, non-profit organisation dedicated to fostering the engagement of Canadians in Canadian foreign policy and in international issues generally.
For more information about this event or the CIC, please contact Robin Gendron at 474-3450 ext 4395 or
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Nipissing University MA students-- past and present -- excell
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Bruce Meyer on Great Books, Today!
Nipissing University is pleased to welcome author and poet Bruce Meyer to campus for a special lecture titled What’s so Great About the Great Books on February 11, at 4 p.m. in room H105. Meyer will also give a poetry reading on February 12, at 11 a.m. in room H108.
Meyer is the author of 30 books, the most recent of which are the poetry collections Mesopotamia, Dog Days, and Bread. The Golden Thread: A Reader’s Journey Through the Great Books was a national bestseller in 2000. His broadcasts on the Great Books are the CBC’s bestselling audio cd series. He is a professor of English at Georgian College where he teaches in the Laurentian University BA Program. Meyer has recently been named as a top ten finalist in TV Ontario’s Best Lecturer Series.
The lecture is part of Nipissing’s English department Speaker Series. It is free of charge and all are welcome.
From the History Club
Our next club meeting will be Thursday, February 11th, 2010 at 11:30 in R306. Please find minutes from our last meeting attached.Don't forget about our Potluck Dinner and Board Games Night on Monday, March 1st at 5:30pm in the Owl's Nest Lounge (H102). Bring some food to share, your favourite board game (I know I'll be bringing RISK) and your friends!Mark your calendars! Our 3rd Annual Platonic Symposium is tentatively scheduled for Monday, March 29th. Tickets will once again be $5 each, for a great night of discussion, drinks and food. This event is joint with the Nipissing University Student Political Involvement Network.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Upcoming book from Dean Bavington
Here's the publisher's blurb:
Managed Annihilation: An Unnatural History of the Newfoundland Cod Collapse
Dean L.Y. Bavington
The Newfoundland and Labrador cod fishery was once the most successful commercial ground fishery in the world. When it collapsed in 1992, fishermen, scholars, and scientists pointed to failures in management such as uncontrolled harvesting as likely culprits. Managed Annihilation makes the case that the idea of natural resource management itself was the problem. The collapse occurred when the fisheries were state managed and still, nearly two decades later, there is no recovery in sight. Although the collapse raised doubts among policy-makers about their ability to understand, predict, and control nature, their ultimate goal of control through management has not wavered – it has simply been transferred from wild fish to fishermen and farmed cod.
Unlike other efforts to make sense of the tragedy of the commons of the northern cod fishery and its halting recovery, Bavington calls into question the very premise of management and managerial ecology and offers a critical explanation that seeks to uncover alternatives obscured by this dominant way of relating to nature.
– Bonnie McCay, Department of Human Ecology, Rutgers University
Monday, February 1, 2010
Next History Seminar: Dreaming of Nipissing: Friday, Feb 5, 2:30 pm, A226
Following from the nearly soldout panel discussion of this past Friday, the History Department Seminar Series is proud to announce our second panel discussion of the year, "Dreaming of Nipissing."
The discussion which will feature Sal Renshaw, Charlotte Innerd, and Jeff Dech on the subject of "where we go from here" -- their own takes on the future of Nipissing.
Sal Renshaw is a member of the Departments of Religions & Cultures and Gender Equality and Social Justice, and is well known to anyone involved with Nipissing for her tireless work as Chair of GESJ, with the Women's Centre and International Women's Week, and on a bewildering number of committees. Charlotte Innerd is Manager Reference and Information Services at the Education Centre Library and brings the perspective of the library to our discussion. Jeff Dech is Forest Bioproducts Research Chair in the Department of Biology and a former Nipissing undergraduate. Please come and join in on discussing the future of our university!
Friday, Feb 5, 2:30 pm, A226.
Refreshments will be served.
For more information go and click on Upcoming Events.
See you there!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
History Club Updates, week of Feb. 1
Our next club meeting will be Thursday, February 11th at 11:30 in R306. As always, new members are welcome to attend!We are planning this year's Book Sale Fundraiser for February 2nd and 3rd (and possibly the 4th). We are in need of donations of used books of any kind to sell, which can be dropped off at Professor Connor's office (3rd floor of H-Wing). We are also looking for volunteers to sell the books and set up on February 2nd and 3rd. Please find attached a schedule for selling, if there are some time slots that you can commit to, it would be much appreciated. Also consider coming by (outside the library) to buy a book or two! Many thanks in advance!Something to put in your calendar: We are planning a History Potluck Dinner and Board Game Night for Monday, March 1st, beginning at 5:30pm in H102. Everyone is welcome to attend. Bring a dish to share and your favourite board game!The Canadian International Council (CIC) is hosting another talk, this time with special guest Chris Kuntz from REpower systems Inc. on "Wind Power in Canada and the World." The event will take place in the Nipissing University Theatre at 7:00pm on Thursday, February 4th. Everyone is welcome to attend!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
History Club Updates
We will be having a New Year's History Pub Night on Thursday, January 28th beginning at 9:00pm at the Bull and Quench North Bay. This a great opportunity to relax and have a drink with your fellow students and history faculty.
We are planning this year's Book Sale Fundraiser for February 2nd and 3rd (and possibly the 4th). We are in need of donations of used books of any kind to sell, which can be dropped off at Professor Connor's office (3rd floor of H-Wing). We are also looking for volunteers to sell the books and set up on February 2nd and 3rd. If you can spare an hour or two, please email back with the time you can commit. Many thanks in advance!
The Canadian International Council (CIC) is hosting another talk, this time with special guest Chris Kuntz from REpower systems Inc. on "Wind Power in Canada and the World." The event will take place in the Nipissing University Theatre at 7:00pm on Thursday, February 4th. Everyone is welcome to attend!
History Seminar Series, "Teaching Teaching History." Friday, Jan 29
Bring the Students!
For the next History Seminar Series, "Teaching Teaching History," Todd Horton, Jennifer Straub, Bob Fix and John Allison of the Faculty of Education will discuss the challenges, dangers, and rewards of teaching others to teach history. How do you foster an understanding of and appreciation for the past in children and teenagers? How do you and can you present history in the public schools? What can young children learn about the past? These and other questions will be considered in a conversation that promises to be lively and illuminating.
Friday, Jan 29, 2:30 pm in Rm A226
For more information go to and click on upcoming events.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
News from the History Club
Our Next History Club Meeting will be Thursday, January 28th at 11:30pm in room R306. Everyone is welcome to attend! Minutes from our last meeting will follow next week.We will be having a New Year's History Pub Night on Thursday, January 28th beginning at 9:00pm at the Bull and Quench North Bay. This a great opportunity to relax and have a drink with your fellow students and history faculty.Other Events:Our friends over at the Political Science Club will be hosting a Lunch and Lecture about the Prorogation of Parliament on Monday, January 25th, 2010 from 11:30-12:30 in A224. The speaker will be Dr. David Tabachnick. Everyone is welcome to come for some lunch, listen to a talk on prorogation and then ask questions and discuss.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Tonight at the N.B. Public Library: Canadian Arctic Defence
This is just a reminder that Commander Alex Grant of the Canadian Navy will be speaking tonight on Canadian Arctic Defence. The talk takes place at 7 pm in the auditorium of the North Bay public library on Worthington and it is free and open to the public.The talk is being sponsored by the Nipissing Branch of the Canadian International Council.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Mackenzie King Scholarships for graduate students -- internal deadline Feb. 1
Two classes of Mackenzie King Scholarship are available to graduates of Canadian universities: the Open Scholarship and the Travelling Scholarship. Both are to support graduate study.
The Open Scholarship is available to graduates of Canadian universities who pursue graduate study in any discipline, in Canada or elsewhere. One Open Scholarship is awarded each year. The value has recently been about $10,000 but it is subject to change.
The Travelling Scholarship is available to graduates of Canadian universities who pursue graduate study in the United States or the United Kingdom in the areas of international relations or industrial relations. Recently four scholarships of $11,000 each have been awarded annually, but the number and the amount are subject to change.
This site provides information about applying for the awards, criteria for applicants, and downloadable application forms. As well, you can find out how to contact us with specific questions, or for for more information.
The application forms on the website ( may be used even if they don’t bear the current competition date.
Applications for the Mackenzie King Scholarships must be received by Nipissing University's Financial Aid Office by February 1st to support study in the following academic year.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Nathan Kozuskanich co-authors a brief for an upcoming US Supreme Court case
I am sending you a link to a press release announcing the release of an amicus brief I co-authored with Jane Calvert of the University of Kentucky for the upcoming US Supreme Court case, McDonald v. City of Chicago. This is the second case relating to the Second Amendment to hit the Court in the past two years (the first being the Heller case--my published research was cited as an authority in several Heller briefs last year).The Second Amendment to the US Constitution is the much-contested one guaranteeing the right to bear arms; what that means is the subject of Dr. Kozuskanich's brief. An "amicus brief" is an argument submitted by "friends of the court," people with an interest in the case even though they were not involved in it originally. This brief is based on detailed research on the historical context of the Bill of Rights.
You can read the brief here.
Monday, January 11, 2010
History Club meeting: Tuesday, January 12 at 11:30 am in room R306
A reminder that our first meeting of the semester is this coming Tuesday, January 12th at 11:30am in Room R306. We will be discussing our plans for the semester, including a possible change in meeting time/location.