Saturday, January 30, 2010

History Club Updates, week of Feb. 1

From the History Club:

Our next club meeting will be Thursday, February 11th at 11:30 in R306. As always, new members are welcome to attend!
We are planning this year's Book Sale Fundraiser for February 2nd and 3rd (and possibly the 4th). We are in need of donations of used books of any kind to sell, which can be dropped off at Professor Connor's office (3rd floor of H-Wing). We are also looking for volunteers to sell the books and set up on February 2nd and 3rd. Please find attached a schedule for selling, if there are some time slots that you can commit to, it would be much appreciated. Also consider coming by (outside the library) to buy a book or two! Many thanks in advance!
Something to put in your calendar: We are planning a History Potluck Dinner and Board Game Night for Monday, March 1st, beginning at 5:30pm in H102. Everyone is welcome to attend. Bring a dish to share and your favourite board game!

The Canadian International Council (CIC) is hosting another talk, this time with special guest Chris Kuntz from REpower systems Inc. on "Wind Power in Canada and the World." The event will take place in the Nipissing University Theatre at 7:00pm on Thursday, February 4th. Everyone is welcome to attend!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

History Club Updates

Our Next History Club Meeting will be Thursday, January 28th at 11:30pm in room R306. Everyone is welcome to attend! Please find the minutes from our last meeting attached.

We will be having a New Year's History Pub Night on Thursday, January 28th beginning at 9:00pm at the Bull and Quench North Bay. This a great opportunity to relax and have a drink with your fellow students and history faculty.

We are planning this year's Book Sale Fundraiser for February 2nd and 3rd (and possibly the 4th). We are in need of donations of used books of any kind to sell, which can be dropped off at Professor Connor's office (3rd floor of H-Wing). We are also looking for volunteers to sell the books and set up on February 2nd and 3rd. If you can spare an hour or two, please email back with the time you can commit. Many thanks in advance!

The Canadian International Council (CIC) is hosting another talk, this time with special guest Chris Kuntz from REpower systems Inc. on "Wind Power in Canada and the World." The event will take place in the Nipissing University Theatre at 7:00pm on Thursday, February 4th. Everyone is welcome to attend!

History Seminar Series, "Teaching Teaching History." Friday, Jan 29

Catherine Murton Stoehr writes:

Bring the Students!

For the next History Seminar Series, "Teaching Teaching History," Todd Horton, Jennifer Straub, Bob Fix and John Allison of the Faculty of Education will discuss the challenges, dangers, and rewards of teaching others to teach history. How do you foster an understanding of and appreciation for the past in children and teenagers? How do you and can you present history in the public schools? What can young children learn about the past? These and other questions will be considered in a conversation that promises to be lively and illuminating.

Friday, Jan 29, 2:30 pm in Rm A226

For more information go to and click on upcoming events.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

News from the History Club

The club says:

Our Next History Club Meeting will be Thursday, January 28th at 11:30pm in room R306. Everyone is welcome to attend! Minutes from our last meeting will follow next week.

We will be having a New Year's History Pub Night on Thursday, January 28th beginning at 9:00pm at the Bull and Quench North Bay. This a great opportunity to relax and have a drink with your fellow students and history faculty.

Other Events:

Our friends over at the Political Science Club will be hosting a Lunch and Lecture about the Prorogation of Parliament on Monday, January 25th, 2010 from 11:30-12:30 in A224. The speaker will be Dr. David Tabachnick. Everyone is welcome to come for some lunch, listen to a talk on prorogation and then ask questions and discuss.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Tonight at the N.B. Public Library: Canadian Arctic Defence

Dr. Robin Gendron writes

This is just a reminder that Commander Alex Grant of the Canadian Navy will be speaking tonight on Canadian Arctic Defence. The talk takes place at 7 pm in the auditorium of the North Bay public library on Worthington and it is free and open to the public.
The talk is being sponsored by the Nipissing Branch of the Canadian International Council.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mackenzie King Scholarships for graduate students -- internal deadline Feb. 1

The Mackenzie King Scholarships were established as an independent trust under the will of the late Rt. Hon. William Mackenzie King (1874-1950).

Two classes of Mackenzie King Scholarship are available to graduates of Canadian universities: the Open Scholarship and the Travelling Scholarship. Both are to support graduate study.

The Open Scholarship is available to graduates of Canadian universities who pursue graduate study in any discipline, in Canada or elsewhere. One Open Scholarship is awarded each year. The value has recently been about $10,000 but it is subject to change.

The Travelling Scholarship is available to graduates of Canadian universities who pursue graduate study in the United States or the United Kingdom in the areas of international relations or industrial relations. Recently four scholarships of $11,000 each have been awarded annually, but the number and the amount are subject to change.

This site provides information about applying for the awards, criteria for applicants, and downloadable application forms. As well, you can find out how to contact us with specific questions, or for for more information.

The application forms on the website ( may be used even if they don’t bear the current competition date.

Applications for the Mackenzie King Scholarships must be received by Nipissing University's Financial Aid Office by February 1st to support study in the following academic year.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nathan Kozuskanich co-authors a brief for an upcoming US Supreme Court case

Dr. Nathan Kozuskanich writes:
I am sending you a link to a press release announcing the release of an amicus brief I co-authored with Jane Calvert of the University of Kentucky for the upcoming US Supreme Court case, McDonald v. City of Chicago. This is the second case relating to the Second Amendment to hit the Court in the past two years (the first being the Heller case--my published research was cited as an authority in several Heller briefs last year).
The Second Amendment to the US Constitution is the much-contested one guaranteeing the right to bear arms; what that means is the subject of Dr. Kozuskanich's brief. An "amicus brief" is an argument submitted by "friends of the court," people with an interest in the case even though they were not involved in it originally. This brief is based on detailed research on the historical context of the Bill of Rights.

You can read the brief here.

Monday, January 11, 2010

History Club meeting: Tuesday, January 12 at 11:30 am in room R306

From the History Club:

A reminder that our first meeting of the semester is this coming Tuesday, January 12th at 11:30am in Room R306. We will be discussing our plans for the semester, including a possible change in meeting time/location.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Yvonne Hunter speaks on Friday, January 8

Please help the History Department open the new year by attending our first seminar, by this promising graduate of our BA and MA programs.